Yoast.com – The Definitive Guide To Higher Rankings For Your Blog
From Yoast.com. Joost de Valk has one of the best and helpful websites out there for WordPress. You can spend hours reading and tweeking your website based on his posts and information. Recently he wrote a great article on SEO and WordPress. Below is the beginning and you can read the whole article at http://yoast.com/articles/wordpress-seo/
The Definitive Guide To Higher Rankings For Your Blog
I started writing my beginner’s guide to WordPress SEO a while back, and have since done a load of posts on the subject, an article in the Search Marketing Standard, newsletters, and presentations. It’s time to let all the info of all these different articles fall into one big piece: the final guide to WordPress SEO.
If you’re more of a visual type, try this WordPress SEO video. It’s an hour long presentation I gave at A4UExpo London, that covers most of what’s in here too.
As search, SEO, and the WordPress platform evolve I will keep this article up to date with best practices. If you don’t have the time to do this kind of optimization yourself, consider hiring us to do it, check out our WordPress consulting services.
As I take quite a holistic view on SEO, this guide will cover quite a lot, check out the table of contents for some quick jumping around.
Click here for the full article on Yoast.com